Housing Intent Options - Dormitories

March 1st Housing Intent

The Housing Intent process will open on Tuesday, March 1 and needs to be completed by Monday, March 21. Please log in to Self Service, with your NetID and password from Yale CAS (Central Authentication System).  Select ‘Housing Intent’ from the Applications drop down menu to submit your intentions.

You will choose from the following options:

  • Renew same assignment
  • Transfer to another dormitory room, another dormitory hall/room, or apartment.
  • Vacate because you are either graduating or moving off campus. 

Renew Same Assignment: Same Room Signup  

Students living in a dormitory room have first priority to stay in that room for the next academic year. They must select their room during the Same Room Signup Selection period in March and be in good academic and financial standing with the University to sign a new housing contract. 

You will be notified in late March/early April by email to log into your Self Service and re-select your room for the 2022-2023 Acdemic Year.

Open Room Selection Lottery for Transfers 

Current residents who chose Transfer during Housing Intent participate in Open Room Selection and will be able to select a NEW dorm building and/or a DIFFERENT room for the next academic year. Selection occurs after the Same Room Signup selection process but before any new applicants can apply for housing. 

The Open Room Selection process allows a student to see all the available rooms (with room sizes and associated room prices) within the building of his or her choice.

You will be notified when to visit Self Service in late March/early April to log in and choose your new room from the “room selection” bar. 

Summer Housing

Current residents living in a dormitory with a signed license agreement for the next academic year can apply for summer housing.  Students requesting housing for June and July will be assigned to their current dorm rooms for the allotted weeks over the summer.  Students staying through summer and into the next academic year, but changing rooms, will be notified by Yale Housing when to move into their new room assignment during Transfer Week in July.  

Students without a contract for the next academic year must vacate at the end of the current license agreement, Sunday, May 29, 2022.

In-Room Storage and Rent Reduction*

Dormitory residents who have renewed their same room for the next academic year but leaving campus for the summer, are eligible for a 50% discount on the summer rent to leave their belongings in their rooms. This discount is only applicable during the summer (June and July).

To qualify for in-room storage and rent reduction, students must have a signed valid license agreement with Yale Housing for the next academic year and return their room keys to the Community Fellow or the Yale Housing office.

*Students who are not returning for the next academic year are not eligible for this program.

Contract Signing Week

After selecting a room, returning students must sign their housing license agreement renewal in Self Service during Contract Signing Week. If you do not sign your license agreement, your room assignment will be canceled and will become available for new applicants on April 20th.