Group Formation

How do I create a group? 
Students can create a group in the Housing Portal. After logging in using your NetID and password, click the “Room Draw” link in the highlighted gray title bar. Scroll down and click the “Continue Housing Process” button and you will proceed to the Group Formation landing page. You can create a group by clicking on the “Create Group” button at the bottom of the page.  
How can I make changes to my group (add a member, change group size, change group leader, etc.)? 
Students may make changes to their group within the Housing Portal. After logging in using your NetID and password, click the “Room Draw” link in the highlighted gray title bar. From here, navigate to the Group Formation page where you will see your group’s information.  
On this page you will see options to edit, delete and add members to your group. You will also see options to make one of your group members the new group leader, remove group members, and send group members a message. 
If you are looking to add members to your group, you will need to adjust the desired group size by clicking on “Edit Group”. You will then be able to search for and add additional group members. 
How can I see the floor plans? 
Students can view available suite information along with their college floor plans within the Housing Portal. Navigate to the Group Formation landing page. On the left-hand side of the screen will be a link “List of All Available Suites”. Click on the List of Available Suites link to view a full roster of available suites and a link to college floor plans. 
What if the number of members in my group does not match my desired group size? 
Students will not be able to proceed to lottery and will be disbanded if the number of group members does not match their desired group size. Students can adjust their desired group size within the Housing Portal.  
I do not have a group yet. How can I find other students to group with?
Students can utilize the “Suggest Roommate” or “Suggest Roommate Group” tools within the housing portal to identify other students not yet in a group or groups that still need additional members. 
I do not want to group and do not have a preference as to where I live. Can I just be assigned randomly and not participate in the room draw?  
If you are planning to live on campus but prefer not to participate in grouping, you can opt out of the remaining stages of room draw by selecting Opt Out of Grouping. If you select this option, you will be assigned to a bedroom by the Undergraduate Housing Office and you will not participate in any further stages of room draw. Students who select this option should be aware that this is not a pathway to guarantee a single room. Students who opt out of grouping will be assigned to a partially filled suite with students in the same draw (class year), and will have suitemates and/or a roommate. 
What happens if I don’t form or join a group? 
In order to be eligible for room selection, students must create or join a group. Students who do not form a complete group at the end of group formation, along with students in disbanded and oversubscribed groups, will be relegated to regrouping. Any student who is not part of a group when regrouping closes will not be able to proceed in the housing selection process. 
I am a junior. Can I form a group with my friends in the senior draw? 
No. Students can only group with other students participating in the same draw. Juniors can only draw with juniors, seniors can only draw with seniors, and sophomores can only draw with sophomores. 
I am sponsoring a student transferring from another college. Am I required to group with them? 
Yes, sponsoring a student who is transferring from another college comes with the expectation that you will be in a housing group with that student. Failure to group with your sponsored student may lead to the rescinding of the transfer approval. 
I see a “Placeholder” student. What is this? 
Each college will have a couple of placeholder students rostered in the group formation process. These students may or may not be visible in your draw, depending on your class year. Each placeholder student represents an incoming transfer student, reinstated student, or a waitlist student to be housed in your college next academic year. Any group may opt to add one of these students, and should know that by doing so, you understand that a student will be added to your suite over the summer. Each placeholder request must be reviewed and approved in advance of group formation closing.  
How can I add a placeholder to my group? 
If placeholders are available to your draw, they can be found by utilizing the Suggest Roommates or Search for Roommates by Details tools. You can send a request to add a placeholder to your group like you would with any other student. Please note that each placeholder must be reviewed and approved in advance of group formation closing. Please write to the Undergraduate Housing Office at to request approval for a placeholder.  
My friend is on the housing waitlist. Can I add them to my group? 
No. Students on the waitlist cannot participate in the housing process and so, do not have access to the room draw housing portal. Once room selection has concluded for participating students, any remaining beds may be offered to students on the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. Waitlist placements will begin in April once room selection has concluded. 
My friend is on the waitlist. Can I add a placeholder and request that they fill that spot? 
Placeholders can only be used if they are available to your class draw and are not intended for students to use as a placeholder for a friend on the waitlist, nor can we guarantee that a student from the waitlist will be placed into your group. Placeholders are meant to be used by students who are having trouble filling a group and understand that the spot could be filled by a transfer student, reinstated student, waitlist student, etc.. There is no guarantee nor a mechanism for students to request how that spot is filled. Students should take this into consideration before requesting a placeholder.  
Group formation has ended, and my roommate has decided to live off-campus, how will this impact my ability to participate in room selection? 
If a member of your group requests to be removed from the housing process after group formation has closed, the Undergraduate Housing team will take steps to ensure all suites are fully filled. This may mean that a group is redesignated to the correct group size (i.e. a quad that loses a member may be designated as a triple) if possible. Or, a “placeholder” may be added to the group so that the number of assigned members aligns with the original group size. After room selection has concluded for participating students, this spot will then be filled by the Housing Office with an incoming transfer student, a reinstated student, or a student on the waitlist. 
When will I know if my group’s suite size is oversubscribed or if we made it through to lottery? 
Students will receive communication from the Undergraduate Housing Office, in the days following the close of Group Formation, informing them of their group’s status.  For more information, please review the Room Draw Timeline