Dear Students, Group formation for students participating in room draw concluded on February 25th. Any oversubscribed suite configurations went through a pre-draw lottery process to determine which groups will proceed and which groups will be disbanded and directed to regroup. A suite size is oversubscribed when the number of groups formed in that configuration is greater than the number of suites available. Yesterday, you received an email from Yale Undergraduate Housing stating that your group has been disbanded. Because your housing group was disbanded, you will need to form a new group in an available suite size, as indicated in the Housing Portal. You have until 5:00pm on March 6th to re-form a housing group in the correct size. Students who remain ungrouped or in an incomplete or incorrect group size at the end of regrouping will not participate in room selection. Sophomores who remain ungrouped come the end of the regrouping period will be removed from the draw and will be manually assigned housing in available rooms after room selection has concluded. Juniors and Seniors who remain ungrouped come the end of the regrouping period will be designated as off-campus. Students who still wish to live on campus will have the ability to join the housing waitlist through the request housing process in the housing portal. Requesting housing will place a student in a pending housing assignment status, where we expect to fulfill all pending requests. Questions? Sincerely, Yale Undergraduate Housing |