Housing Intent is Now Open

January 15, 2025

Dear students,

Intent Declaration is now open – please log in to the Undergraduate Housing Portal to declare your intent to live on- or off-campus for the 2025-2026 academic year. Intent Declaration will remain open until 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 5th, and you can update or change your intent at any time until the deadline. 

This is the first in a series of emails you will receive from our office outlining important phases in this year’s housing selection process. Below is an overview of the timeline for the 2025-2026 Room Draw process:

2025-2026 Room Draw Timeline

January 15 - February 5

Intent Declaration for all students

January 15    

Housing Accommodation request deadline*

January 17 (12:00 pm EST)

Change of College Affiliation request deadline**

February 20 - February 25    

Group Formation for all classes

March 4 - March 6

Oversubscription/ Regrouping for all classes

March 24

Lottery Assignments sent to all students

March 26 - March 31    

Room Selection for all classes

April 8

Waitlist Placement Period begins

*If you are requesting or renewing a SAS housing accommodation for the 2025-2026 academic year, please reach out to Student Accessibility Services (SAS) following the steps below. The deadline for SAS housing accommodation requests is January 15, 2025 (including a completed SAS housing form from your treatment provider). 

Steps to request SAS housing accommodations for next year: 

  1. Complete an SAS accommodation request form in the Accommodate system. 
  2. Have your current provider that you have been working with this year complete the SAS housing form and return it via email to sas@yale.edu or secure fax at (203) 432-8250. Be sure to allow enough time for your provider to complete the form by January 15th
  3. Schedule an appointment with SAS. 

Please contact SAS with any questions. 

**The application to request a college affiliation change for next academic year is live. To apply, please use the College Affiliation Change Application provided by Yale College. The deadline to submit for an affiliation change is January 17, 2025, at 12:00 pm EST.

Please contact Student Affairs with any questions.

Room Draw Information Session
Keep an eye out in the coming days for a pre-recorded information session providing a deep dive into the room draw timeline, navigating the portal, declaring intent, guidance on group formation, and important updates from Yale College.

The webinar will be made available on the website later this week. Please check the website for updates and be attentive to your email for correspondence from Yale Undergraduate Housing.

If you have any questions about this, or upcoming stages of the housing selection process, you can find additional information on the Yale Undergraduate Housing website. The FAQs page will be especially helpful and will continually be updated as we proceed through the Room Draw timeline. If, after reviewing the information on the Undergraduate Housing website, you still have questions, please reach out to us directly at undergraduatehousing@yale.edu.

Yale Undergraduate Housing