Alcohol Policy

Alcohol Policy for Housing-Sponsored Events

Yale Graduate Housing Office is committed to serving the residents in Graduate Housing with student-centered events. The consumption of alcohol among residents of age has a place within Graduate Housing programming if it serves the wants of the residents. The following guidelines apply whenever alcohol is purchased with Housing funds and/or served or consumed in Graduate Housing community spaces during a Housing-sponsored event.

Alcohol purchased with Housing funds must be served and/or consumed in the context of a Housing-sponsored, community-wide event. Housing funds may not be used to support private parties or exclusive events. “School funds” are any monies in or disbursed from Yale University accounts.

In accordance with Connecticut state law, alcoholic beverages may be dispensed only to individuals who are 21 or more years old and may not be dispensed to any intoxicated person. Coordinators must know the age of the residents and/or guests drinking at the event and can ask to check ID to ensure age.

Alcohol that is purchased with Housing funds must be served by a bartender who (1) is certified by TIPS or a similar organization (and has provided documentation to Graduate Housing Manager), (2) remains on duty and at the event for the entire time the alcohol is served and, (3) be responsible for putting the alcohol away at the end of the event.

The event itself must also abide by the following guidelines, (1) The event duration has a reasonable start and end time, (2) beer and wine are the only alcoholic beverages that may be served, and (3) appropriate quantities (equal to or greater than) of nonalcoholic beverages and food must be available and easily accessible at the same location.

Alcohol Policy for Students in Graduate Housing

Resident sponsored/hosted gatherings where alcohol is being consumed whether in a community space, your room or outdoor courtyard, are the responsibility of the resident host including, but not limited to:

  • Not letting intoxicated persons drive while under the influence.
  • Seeking medical help/assistance if someone shows signs of alcohol poisoning.
  • Being held responsible for any property damages or cleaning charges resulting from this gathering by you or your guests.